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Westwood / Bohemian Circus Drawings
Drawing is something I enjoy, carrying a notebook or small sketch pad wherever I go sketching people and jotting down ideas that come to me. I continue to challenged myself to attend figure drawing meetups or using photos from wherever to sharpen my drawing skills I believe creating a foundation is a skill any artist can benefit from.
Westwood Drawing 2013.
Bohemian Circus drawing 2014.
Bohemian Circus drawings 2014.
Bohemian Circus Drawing 2014.
Fashion Illustration, graphite pencil and marker on Grumbacher 7" by10" 98pd mixed media 2024.
Fashion Illustration, graphite pencil on Grumbacher 7" by10" 98pd mixed media 2024.
Fashion Illustration, graphite pencil on Straphmore 11" by 14" 98pd mixed media 2024.
New Drawings Soon.